
Hospitals in Our Deanary

Most hospitals will have a duty chaplain, not necessarily Catholic, who can be summoned by the hospital switchboard. When a Catholic minister is required, please contact your local priest.

 Cardiff, University Hospital of Wales (The Heath)

Although outside the Deanery, local residents often attend the University Hospital of Wales. If you, or a friend or relative are going into The Heath, please do not assume you will be visited if you say on admission that you are a Catholic, as this information is not routinely passed to hospital chaplains. Emergency sacramental cover is organised with a rota of local priests. For non-emergency situations, such as the provision of Holy Communion, please contact the Chaplaincy Department direct on (029) 2074 3230, giving the patient's name and ward. This information can be given to any chaplain on duty or the secretary (specify the patient is Roman Catholic) and the details will be passed to the Catholic Ministers of Communion, who bring the Sacrament to sick patients each Sunday. Please leave a message on the telephone answering machine if this is requested.

Website © 2008 Pontypridd Roman Catholic Deanery
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Pontypridd Deanery is part of the RC Archdiocese of Cardiff, UK Registered Charity No. 242380.